Wednesday, August 12, 2020

2017 Reflections

2017 Reflections

1. Life is not about us - it's all about God.

2. Life is all about relationships - establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and build meaningful relationships with people.

 3. Life is all about investments (things with eternal value)- invest in relationships: with God, family, churchmates, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

4. Do not confuse "Discipline " with "Compassion" - God is a compassionate God and yet He never fails to discipline His children.

5. God is the God of "Possible" .

6. Grace Giving : right amount, right heart, right motivation.

7. Command Responsibility is a complicated term - to understand it better - have a humble heart.

8. God's love defines who I am - not the flatteries nor the discouraging words from other people.

To God be all glory and honor! Thank you dear God for a victorious 2017. Have a Christ-filled New Year 2018 everyone. Thank you for all the love!!!

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