Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hints to Spot a Troublemaker and Tips to Overcome Him

Hints to Spot a Troublemaker

1. A person who doesn’t give high regard for God (doesn’t pray, read the Bible nor attend church services)

2. A person who is a gossip himself and whose main business is to gossip and orchestrate a brouhaha 

3. A person who loves to chit-chat with everyone and feeds them with the freshest gossip 

4. A person who doesn’t take a stand and who has a compromising attitude 

5. A person who loves to provoke people to wage war against each other 

6. A person who takes delight when someone is reprimanded

7. A person who cannot keep confidential matters and divulges them right away to others in order to create a controversy

8. A person who pretends to be a friend but automatically changes colors the moment he disappears from your presence. 

9. A person who has a spirit of pride and is having a difficulty in admitting mistakes and saying “sorry”

10. A person who treats his family members in a disrespectful manner while being nice to other people in the workplace. 

 Tips To Overcome A Troublemaker 

 1. Pray for him that God will touch and change his heart. 

2. Do not prolong your conversations with him. 

3. If he starts to talk about people and provokes you to comment, cut the conversation right away.

 4. Do not discuss confidential matters with him.

 5. Be discerning, do not believe everything he says especially the negative ones – gather the facts, investigate and ask the people involved if necessary.

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