Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Sim and Shem's 17th Wedding Anniversary

 A beautiful marriage is geared towards the continuous improvement of the husband and wife in every area of their life. The word "beautiful" is never equated to the word "perfect". Ours is definitely an imperfect marriage and yet, we are continually holding on to a perfect God who makes all things beautiful in His own sweet time. God has always been gracious to us in this marriage. Day after day, He allows us to do things better and be better in our partnership especially at home and in the church ministry that He has entrusted to our care. 

I can still get giddy every time Sim looks into my eyes with passion and appreciates every little thing that I do with zest. He is and will always be my FOREVER in this lifetime. As we navigate to a new chapter in our marriage, we are overflowing with hope that God will be with us and will work things out for us - for His glory and honor! Praise the Lord! We are always thankful and grateful!

Blessed 17th, my dearest Sim!

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