Sunday, November 23, 2014


Her slim frame was the very first figure we saw
Her eyes twinkled like the stars when we smiled 
She never failed to offer her undivided attention 
She’s really a mother who has a heart full of love

When we were young, she introduced God to us
Mother always encouraged us to pray everyday 
She was our first dedicated and patient teacher
She always made it a point that we are well-fed 

She taught us the value of sticking to the family 
She modeled how sacrificial love is given freely 
We’re a living testament of her wonderful deeds 
It’s a real honor to be one of her precious ones
 Mother, as you celebrate your diamond birthday 
We’d like you to know that you are such a gem 
Continue to cherish and enjoy your fruitful life 
To us, you’ll always be a mother for all seasons! 

 Shem 11/6/2014


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