Tuesday, October 6, 2020

BCC Ladies Fellowship 2020

The pictures show how excited everyone is! We truly miss the fellowship. No one can stop the women who love the Lord from fellowshipping - not even the pandemic or the new normal 😀. 

The supposedly short exhortation from God's Word had been extended. Proverbs 31: 10-31 is truly a timely reminder to all the wives. It's a teaching that has to be continuously put into application in order to honor God in our lives. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Shemi's Kimchi

 To God be the glory!

We are so grateful to the Lord for entrusting to us this kimchi business - Shemi's Kimchi! Weeks before the lockdown, I have been praying and contemplating to open a little juice business that I lovingly call, "REALLY JUICE!" (I want it to sound like the word "religious" - conscientious both in the spiritual and physical). But then, that mind-boggling pandemic came into play. It started to change everything around us and we're introduced to the new normal. We are not exempted from shifting plans and priorities. And so, Shemi's Kimchi was born... 

Our prayer and desire is to first and foremost glorify God through this business and offer our food to loyal customers with love, passion, commitment and integrity. Kimchi preparation is labor intensive and yet, we love to do it because it gives us a sense of relief and joy. 

May the Lord prosper and sustain this business.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sim and Shem's 14th Wedding Anniversary

True Love is sure to bloom even in the most challenging season. Praise God for preserving us and our marriage and allowing us to celebrate even during this "quarantine" time. Thank you, Mahal, for declaring that "we will prosper even during this pandemic because the Lord is in control and His very best program for our lives will never change". Glory to God!


Photos - 14th year